VGo on Wake Up Northwest NBC

VGo Robot’s revolutionary technology enables hospitalized and homebound students to attend school
More Capable: A Robotics Podcast

Listen to Vecna CEO Deborah Theobald discussing immersive technology and telepresence robots.
August 18, 2021
Oh My Goodness: Robot Helps Student Home Fighting Cancer To Connect With Classmates

A Long Island teen who was diagnosed with cancer has been unable to attend school. But through the…
J.J. Watts Visits VGo Education Student

Vecna’s VGo telepresence robot enables elementary student with leukemia to remotely attend school from home. Watch this video as NFL star JJ Watts surprises him with a visit at home.
Massachusetts Student Fights For Use of VGo Robot In Classroom

A Massachusetts family is making a plea with their school district to allow their son to be in the…
Above and Beyond: Students Buy Robot for Sick Classmate

Tyler Knurek, 13, would love nothing more than to be in school with his friends. Tyler has cancer…
Robot, computer feed bring Riverside kindergarten pupil to school

During a math lesson in Chelsea Sharek’s kindergarten class on a recent Friday morning, her…
How robots are changing education

Imagine seeing a robot coming down the hallway in your school. Students at Saint Bartholomew in…
Robot puts ailing 9-year-old back in school — virtually

After nine months out battling leukemia, 9-year-old Jackie Rosales is back in her classroom at…
Young Man Donates VGo Robots To Children’s Hospital

A traveling robot with a human face and voice rolled through Children’s Hospital Wednesday morning…