(617) 864-0636

A platform-based approach to operational efficiency

Vecna’s proprietary PathFinder Infection Control platform delivers the actionable information where and when its needed.  PathFinder creates a longitudinal patient record, specifically for the Infection Preventionist and Antimicrobial Stewardship. We do this by aggregating key clinical information into custom views for decision making, patient management and reporting.

The PathFinder platform improves staff efficiency.  Through automated, real-time surveillance we enable you to create custom reports and alerts for potential HAIs, RCDs, MDROs, drug-bug mismatches, restricted drug use and much more.

Our platform eliminates complexity and supports your staff’s needs.  Vecna’s PathFinder Infection Control creates a focused, longitudinal view of the patient integrating real-time data including:


  • Culture and Non-culture laboratory tests
  • Core labs (blood chemistry-type labs)
  • Medication Orders and Administration
  • Visit and Location History
  • Confirmed Infections (both hospital and community acquired).

PathFinder structures patient laboratory results, enabling the Infection Preventionist or Antimicrobial Steward to easily create Antibiograms, administrative reports, monitoring and surveillance reports, and real-time alerts.

Our industry leading integration experience enables PathFinder Infection Control to track a patient’s visit history and current location within the hospital.  Real-time data empowers Infection Preventionists to manage the patient, including interventions and isolation precautions. Simultaneously PathFinder automates complex tasks, including hospital surveillance and generation of antibiograms, at the facility and unit level

Our proven platform removes the complexity from data submission by incorporating the NHSN business rules.  PathFinder Infection Control generates the metrics required for monthly NHSN submission lowering the work for staff while providing a reliable data set eliminating manual data aggregation errors.

PathFinder Infection Control delivers actionable pharmacy surveillance when its needed and where it’s needed.  Vecna’s proprietary platform continually uncovers and monitors for intervention opportunities providing oversight that enables your organization to anticipate and prevent drug-bug mismatches, restricted drug use, drug-drug interactions, duplicate therapy, adverse drug events, days of therapy and IV-PO conversion.  With this data, users can identify intervention opportunities, document them and track progress.  PathFinder also provides up-to-date institutional antibiograms.

PathFinder Infection enables your organization to address every aspect of infection control prevention and surveillance.  Our goal is to make it easy for your staff to focus on patients rather than toggling between computer systems. Our team specializes in integrating with all best-of-breed and home-grown health information systems so your staff can get all the information they need in one place, made possible by Vecna’s Intelligent Data Exchange Agent (IDEA™).

Vecna delivers real-time information to empower your staff to actively advance the safety and health of your patients and staff.  Real-time access to longitudinal records of surgical procedures, critical laboratory results, medications, and community and hospital acquired infections, empower users with real-time alerts, monitoring, administrative reporting and NHSN numerator and denominator reporting.

AUR Reporting will support your antimicrobial stewardship initiatives.  Antimicrobial stewards will be empowered by the platforms automated data reporting to drive organizational change with real-time longitudinal data on antimicrobial use and resistance.  AUR Reporting’s advanced algorithms identify opportunities for reducing the use of expensive antimicrobials, by informing staff when substitutes are appropriate.  It also provides actionable recommendation’s for safe guarding efficacy of key antimicrobials, by preventing over use.  In addition to supporting internal initiatives the Vecna AUR reporting will improve staff efficiency with automated reporting capabilities for NHSN submissions for Antimicrobial Use/Antimicrobial Resistance.

“As soon as we had requested a report for tracking COVID-19, Vecna worked on this report and it is working great for my purposes!”

“I was able to adapt, with minimal assistance needs from Vecna, an advanced report to meet all our needs for COVID-19 test reporting. This report has satisfied State and Local DPH reporting requirements and made it very easy to track the data and create useful reports for our customers.”

“When I asked for COVID test and Respiratory Pathogen panels to be built that have coincided with this Pandemic, I received immediate response from Vecna. Builds and results filing occurred in a day if not hours. Vecna also reached out to ensure we were satisfied, and everything was working as expected. Thank you.”

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